About Me
I came into the industry by accident. I was working in Marketing at West Ham United Football Club when Google headhunted me and flew me to Ireland for an interview to be an Account Manager. I turned the job down as my girlfriend at the time did not want to move to Ireland and having taken the exams to be prepared for the interview, I ended up moving in to the industry at an agency in Essex (England) shortly after.
The agency quickly became the biggest Insurance focussed agency in the country with the results that I was achieving and the companies reputation grew massively across the industry.
I left to pursue my dream of launching an internet start up but, in the meantime, to pay my bills, I freelanced on the side. By the time the start-up was ready to launch I was earning a huge amount from freelancing, so I decided to carry on freelancing instead.
In about 2014 I stopped taking on direct clients as I was white labelling my services for several agencies around the world and the work they were sending me kept me more than busy.
In 2018 that all changed. The biggest agency that I worked for took away access to his accounts without warning and asked me to half my fees to keep working with him or he would move to using software. I refused and subsequently I had the agency owner approach me several times over the next 12 months try to get me back but he had burnt those bridges. The same year, the owner of the second biggest agency that I worked for got arrested for rape and his agency lost about three quarters of their clients, overnight, as a result. Within a few months half of my business had gone. It was then I decided not to work with agencies anymore. It took me a few months to get back on to Upwork but as of the end of 2018 I started taking on clients through Upwork again.
2018 was a terrible one for me but by the end of 2019 I had recovered back to where I had been. Covid gave my business a knock in 2020 with a lot of clients either pausing their ads for a few months and some even going out of business completely. And 2021 was my best year ever – by far.
From 2012 until writing this in 2022 I’ve NEVER received a negative feedback on Upwork. In EVERY account that I’ve EVER worked on where I’ve been given free reign to manage how I want (and not micro-managed just doing what the client has told me to do) I’ve improved results substantially. There have only been 2 accounts out of 500+ that I’ve worked on that I’ve not improved and both of them were clients who told me what I should be doing rather than letting me actually manage the accounts how I would usually. In both instances I told them it was pointless me working for them and I quit within a month.
I’ve managed several Fortune 500 accounts, I’ve managed famous non Fortune 500 branded accounts and I’ve managed accounts for every type of business that you can imagine.